Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 5: Goodbye, Childhood Home

Today I moved my parents out of the home they lived in for 17yrs. All six of us kids were raised in that house. So little space but so much love and memories. All 1200 feet of it was filled with six kids, two adults and a handful of neighbor kids.

We homeschooled there, grew up there, had our first broken hearts there, and got through it all for the better.

Those walls hold sister secrets, family love and they sure do muffle chaotic screaming matches well, too. We didn't always love each other... ;0)

My parents are getting a place more their size for their later years in life. Mom wants somewhere with room for grand babies, dad wants room for more hunting gear and we all just want them to be financially secure and happy. Hopefully the new home will be that for them.

For now, though... well, I'm having a hard time with all the memories flooding through my mind. Rope swings and water balloon wars, forts in the living room and slumber parties on the living room floor.

I am grateful for parents who provided me with a roof over my head and a safe place to create a lifetime of memories to build upon for my own family someday.

I will miss that old house...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep working, nice post! This was the information I had to know.