Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 3: A New Home

About two months ago I moved out of a home that I lived in with five other girls that I adore, to start another home with three other girls that I equally adore.

I forgot how hard it is to embark on a new journey.

It has taken two months for me to settle into new daily routines, new relationship dynamics and feel at home in a place with new roommates and a new "feel".

I love the girls I live with and I know they love me too. It has taken us two long, hard, lonely months to get to a place of security in our relationships with each other, and it did not come easy.

The best things in life are never easy to come by... you have to fight for them everyday.

Tonight we asked two of our guy friends to come pray over our new home. They prayed blessings over us and our house and admonished us to be watchful for disunity and division in our relationships with one another.

It was a pretty special experience and we roommates walked away from it with joy and peace about the path God has us on.

We feel united. We are ready to fight for our home and each other.

I am grateful for renewed strength.

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

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