Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 24: Home Church

I went to bed at 4am and woke up at 11. Good thing I had a pot of french press at the ready.

Every Sunday my roommates and I host our Home Church at our house and we love it. I love watching my friends and family grow and change as we all wrestle with God over different things and draw closer to one another.

I hung out with my youngest sister tonight. I am obsessed with her. Everything about her.

It's so wonderful to grow up and realize God gave me some of the best girlfriends I'll ever have, right in my sisters that I grew up with.

As life changed, so did we... all differently, similarly and compatibly. We have an understanding of each other's history and struggles that no one else does and we have the ability to comfort and encourage one another as well.

I love my sisters. I love my youngest sister. I am thankful for the blessing of family.

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