Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 15: Ellie Leia's Birthday

1:04am: Got the call
1:35am: Arrived at the house
Hope: "That's a good laboring outfit, Autumn!"
Joy: "Ya you did the sexy outfit already (9months ago). That's how you got yourself here."
Autumn: "Ellie has hiccups."
Autumn: "Joy still doesn't believe there's a baby in here..."
Joy: "I'm just saying... it's taking awhile. Are you sure it's not just indigestion?"
3:10am: Called midwife to notify we were going to the hospital.
3:44am: Leavin for the hospital. Luke can't stop smiling.
4:24am: Hardcore hypnobirthing starts in the hospital room.
5:04am: Autumn asks me to sing to her while she's laboring in the shower. Such a precious moment.
6:02am: Ellie Leia is born!!! What a miracle.

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