Thursday, May 6, 2010

"i could ask for anything i want and i'd get it..."

Every afternoon we’re usually back on the ship around 3pm… just in time for afternoon tea. One day we were seated with some of my evergrowing fan club from karaoke, and yesterday we were seated with Linda and Dan.

We are favorites with the waiters on staff in the dining room for meals and food service, so try imagining Dan and Linda’s faces when all of a sudden we had five waiters at our table and the other tables around us were noticeably neglected. We had tea, sandwiches, dessert and scones before anyone else even had their water for tea poured. Danel was relishing the benefits of being in our company as usual, but this attention was completely new to Linda and Dan.

Eventually Dan got the drift though… if you are at our table, no request takes longer than 60 seconds to fulfill. He asked for something and when it came within seconds, he leaned across the table towards Danel and said, “I don’t think we’ve received this much attention during the whole trip! I‘m pretty sure I could ask for anything I want right now!” and Danel said “I know, isn’t it great hanging around them?”

We had a good laugh when about a minute later when our waiter came by and said “more scones?” and I joked “another coronary?” as he added the huge dollops of cream, butter, jam and honey to each one.

Dan figured he could have extra, since the doctor would be there within seconds if he DID have a coronary. :o)

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