Tuesday, August 5, 2008

doggy daycare

so our old roommate breann has a lil puppy named summit. shortly after she adopted him from a shelter, he was hit by a car and needed surgery for a fractured hip. poor lil guy has been recovering for a month or so, and so when breanne had to head back to idaho, we decided lil summit needed to stay with us for 3 weeks to finish his physical therapy while she went back to idaho to be a guide for a river rafting trip down the salmon river.

shauna and i have a laugh or two everyday about the little nerd. he is on our heels and whines if we shut any door on him... even to use the restroom. he also barks up a storm if we leave him in the backyard, so we have to keep him at the kennel during the day while we're at work... goodness it's a chore - although a histerical one.

bedtime is a bit comical as he sleeps on his bed in a corner of my new room, but can't seem to get to sleep for about 15 minutes after i close the door at night... he crawls around under my bed (checking for monsters i'm guessing), jumps up at the door as if someone on the other side is ready to spring him free of his prison, and only after my growling "summit... go lay down" about 5 times does he actually lay down and whine for another 5 minutes until he accepts that he must now actually go to sleep. man... he's a chore for sure. probably like most kids though, fighting bedtime at any cost...he sure does look like an angel when he's asleep though.

shauna and i laugh about feeling like the parents of a handicapped child... he just requires so much TLC. we love him, but as all aunties, we'll be happy to send him home with his mom in a couple weeks when she gets back. :)

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