"well that's a fast decision" you might say, but oh no my friends... that's GOD. he laid it on the hearts of my parents to provide me with money for a plane ticket to africa when i hadn't even planned on going! then he opened doors for me to be able to leave work for the month of january as well... and seriously, when do bosses say "how awesome! when are you going?!" yeah... mine did. totally a God thing. :)
when i try to explain what's going on in my head and how excited i am, it just comes out as "EEEEEEEE!!" in a squeal of glee. haha
i have four months to prepare and watch what God does as he opens even more doors for me to board that plane to africa, and i've just given the whole trip over to him. He has already started the ball rolling on a friend of mine named michele, heading to kenya with me, and i'm excited to see who else he brings. who knows what he's up to - but it's always GREAT THINGS!!
as always, i covet your prayer support as i get ready to leave in the next few months, and i'll keep you all posted on my plans and adventures.
love ya!

(depositing the check for my plane ticket)
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