Wednesday, January 14, 2009

satan's koolaid

so... within a couple days of being in kenya, i noticed i had a scratchy throat and a bit of a headache. i wasn't alarmed, as i usually get a cold during or after traveling, so i thought i'd be fine. well, a couple days went by and although i was getting used to functioning on very little sleep and being a bit run down, i realized i'd better take something for my cold. i had been taking emergen-c packets everyday since before leaving america, so i knew i had enough vitamins, but i think my body was just in rebellion from traveling and jetlag, etc. so it didnt help.

for you to understand the remainder of this story, i feel the need to state a well-known fact about my sleeping habits.

i snore.

yes, it's true... i do. in fact, i snore loudly... and when i am sick and my nose is stuffed up, i am not offended when people use the phrase "freight train" when describing the sound of my nasal cavities. what am i gonna do? i cant help it. so... with that little precursor to my story, i will tell you that lauren and michele and ina, my roommates here in kenya, have not gotten a good night's sleep with me in the room. i've had a head cold since i arrived.

on day 3 of hope not being able to breathe properly at night, michele volunteered a bit of her vitamin supplement she brought with her to kenya, to see if she could cure me and help everyone get a good night of sleep. now, keep in mind that i am (and i say this lightly) NOT a morning person... so when michelle says "i'll go make you some vitamins," i barely have the ability to put together a "thank you" and brush my teeth, let alone ask what it tastes like.

i shouldve known from the look on her face when she came in the room stirring what looked like a weak milkshake, that it was gonna be bad... but i had no idea. she handed me the cup and said "plug your nose and just swallow".

i am so stupid... i listened to her.

even with my nose plugged, i felt like the taste buds on my tongue would never recover. the putrid odor of what i have not so affectionately dubbed "satan's koolaid" was enough to turn my stomach, but i chugged it. when that last swallow was gone, i gasped for air (which made it SOO much worse) and all i could think to say was "MOTHER TRUCKER!" as i leaned over the sink in our room waiting for the puking to start... it was THAT bad.

there was no puking... but if it wouldve, i guarantee the first time it went down couldn't be worse than the first time it came up.

so, there you go... the worst thing i've put in my mouth while in kenya was actually from america.


Stacey said...

so...did it work? :)

sydney leigh said...

HAHA you do snore soooo much! freight train. your poor roommates. and when it comes to nasty food and beverage, say the missionary prayer: lord, i'll drink it up, if you keep it down.)