Sunday, January 18, 2009

piki pikis

okay... the funnest part about writing a blog about the embarrassing but hysterical trials of riding a boda boda, is the joy in getting to write one about piki pikis (motorcycles). they are my FAVORITE mode of transportation.

bodas are 20 shillings from town, and they don't even bring us all the way home. the men huff and puff to get us about halfway to the house, and then they drop us at the foot of a hill that's impossible for them to pedal up with a passenger on the back... let ALONE me.

pikis cost 50 shillings (less than 75 cents) to go from town all the way to the gate of our house two miles away. they are the COOLEST way to travel short distances here (i havent had the opportunity to ride long distance on one, but i totally would if dan would let me. on main roads, its pretty dangerous from what i hear).

guys, i dont know how to explain the awesomeness of riding on a piki to you... but for the ladies, ive got it covered.

ladies... have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle with a guy friend, or maybe with your man driving you? you know all the petty girl stuff that goes through your mind when you did? well imagine how fun thatd be if you didnt have the american mindset. like... if you didnt care if your hair got messed up, or if you had the right "look at me, im so gorgeous as a biker chic" outfit... because imagine if you KNEW that every guy you passed by seriously thought you looked like his dream girl... if every person - man or woman - shouted hello to you like you were their best friend or some celebrity... that's what it's like riding a piki piki here. no joke... its an experience all on its own.

i seriously feel like angelina jolie or something, and i LOVE it.

i haven't taken a boda from town to the house yet... i dont care that its 30 shillings less... i'd rather not exhaust some kenyan man half my size and not even get all the way home.

haha... im totally lying. i couldnt care less about the money... i just love being the kenyan version of angelina jolie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Your stories are great...thanks for sharing your journey with us! :)

Can't wait to see the pictures. See you soon!