Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 30: Companionship

I woke up this morning so excited about my day. Might've been because I got to make a friend breakfast and then go spend the afternoon by the river with another friend. I had alot of excitement on my immediate brain.

I love companionship. It's probably why I love my life so much.

I was created -to the very core of my being- to thrive off of relationships. Companionship with other people. Friendships that are organic and fun and always changing and different.

My life has so many of these friendships. On any given day, I'm hanging out with 1-20 different people. Granted, I'm usually the one planning the hangouts or inviting people out to coffee or lunch, but that's because I love it.

Some people have never had companionship, so even if they desire it, they don't know how to get it outside of unhealthy means. That's why I'm okay being the one planning and facilitating and having a blast with a million friends around all the time.

I love it when my days are filled with the people I love. I am happiest with those I love surrounding me.

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