Sunday, February 26, 2012

the strength of an honorable man

How easy it would be for a man of great physical strength to build his reputation upon physical prowess and his need to prove himself by always winning a fight… it is so much easier to build muscle than character.

I recently watched a movie called “The Eagle” in which a Roman soldier arrives at an arena to watch a battle. An innocent villager, Esca, is pushed into the arena to fight a gladiator twice his size. No one knows why he was arrested, but Esca is not favored to win. The situation seems hopeless and cruel. I watched with interest, waiting for Esca to take up his sword and prove that the “little guy” can win the physical battle in an impossible situation, but the movie doesn’t portray that scenario.

Esca looks about him at the frenzied crowd screaming for his blood and their entertainment and he throws down the weapons given to him.

Esca takes a painful and humiliating beating without lifting a finger to fight back and the Roman soldier in the audience shows admiration for Esca’s courage in the face of death (a brave character quality) and starts a chant to save his life. The crowd then realizes Esca’s strength of will as his courage in the face of death quietly and confidently speaks “I am innocent. I’ve done nothing, but kill me if you must, to simply prove your ‘strength’!” even in his silence.

Esca’s life is eventually spared… but what’s more, later in the movie we find he is a more than capable warrior who could’ve easily won the match against the gladiator in the arena. His earlier restraint and ability to discern when it was wisest to put his physical strength to the test makes him even more impressive and made it irresistible not to root for his success in the movie. He chooses the worthy battles.

“When restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible.” Mahatma Gandhi

I was talking to a girl friend of mine recently and we were remarking on the strength of one of the men we know. He displayed a great deal of physical strength, protecting a girl friend of ours in a very scary situation. In complimenting his wisdom and knowledge in handling the problem -along with his physical ability to put his knowledge into action and protect our friend- our conversation quickly became a discussion of the many different ways strength is used.

A muscular build -although appreciated- is not what I typically refer to when I talk about a “man of strength.” Many times when I speak of the strength of the men, I refer to their courage of heart, desire for God – which leads them into spiritual battles on a daily basis – and their struggle to stand firm in their convictions against so much else vying for their affection and attention.

When I think of strength, I see see Christ... when I picture strength, I see the faces of the men in my life.

They are men of integrity. They do not pose and they do not pretend to be what they are not.

They are men and they allow their actions to speak for them. They strengthen each other in so many ways... they are warriors even when they fall. They face defeat and rise again... struggle with failure and continue to encourage each other in the difficulties they face.

In the same way, their selflessness speaks volumes to me and the women I know. I would be surprised to hear of a woman in my Home Church or close friends who hasn’t felt cherished by them. They are wise, caring, comforting and encouraging in so many ways. They sacrificially place themselves between us and any possibility of danger, open doors for us, buy us far too much coffee, walk us to our cars, cook for us and invite us into their homes, protect us when we are threatened and show an awareness of our daily needs and concerns that is astounding.

I believe their chivalry is worthy of knighthood at times.

I would venture to say that 90% of the men I know are aware of their strength, but choose their battles wisely. As I watch them fight battle after battle, both physical, spiritual and emotional, I am impressed by the absence of arrogance in them and humbly aware of the reason I stand in awe of their strength… because in its purest form, it comes from Christ.

In Him lies their true strength... so much greater than Goliath and so much brighter than the sun.

When man stands in awe of his accomplishments, they are worthless. When man falls to his knees in gratitude for strength to fight the battle, it is powerful.

“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control.”2 Timothy 1:7


Anonymous said...

i don't know what else to exclaim! this is the truth, absolutely. a man dreams of being noticed for these qualities. you have certainly come to know the heart of a man in ways that many women never consider worthwhile. it means alot to me that their are women like you who still are invested in understanding their counterpart, as i have fought my entire life to be seen as more than just a stereotype. thank you for these inspiring words. -justin

Living The Adventure said...

Great blog Hope. I know how affirming it is for the men in your life to hear this.