Tuesday, July 7, 2009

dog... food?

my friend michael's sister, hannah, will be going to kenya in the fall to intern with a ton of my friends here in reno. she wanted to come visit michael and meet many of the people she'll be living and serving with, so she and her sister came to visit, and are staying with me for the week.

we all hit it off right away, and we pretty much just laugh the entire we're together.

i had lunch with them today at a vietnamese noodlehouse here in reno that i like to frequent. it's called Pho 777. i love it, and they'd never had it before, so off we went on my lunch break!

they loved the food, and i was so glad i got to experience their first time eating pho!

i think we were about halfway through our lunch, and i stopped chewing, staring in horror at some patrons behind evie. she turned around to look at what i was staring at, and i had to hold back my gag reflex. there, on the table behind her, was a dog in a little pink purse, sitting right next to his master's place setting while she ate.

now, i know very well that people eat around their pets all the time... no worries. i get that... but seriously! at a restaurant? i swallowed laboriously as hannah asked what was wrong. i pointed at what i saw...

i was stunned. "larry always told me vietnamese people eat dogs, but i never thought i'd ever see one on the table in a pho restaurant!"

hannah erupted in laughter, as i looked at her mockingly and said "what? dont laugh... we're gonna die, eating here... why are they letting animals in here? OMIGOSH!"

she gasped for air, and said "hope... that's a My Little Pony set... not a dog!" to which i also erupted in laughter as i realized my imagination had run wild...

for the record, paris hilton and her little purse puppies have now ruined my ability to eat with confidence at a public establishment...

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