Thursday, March 26, 2009

a cuppa makes my world go round

waking up in the morning is hard to do.

most mornings, i wake up in the shower with a faint recollection of shutting off my phone alarm and stumbling down my hall...

needless to say, i find it hard to function without some kind of caffeinated supplement to get me going in the morning. i loved enjoying a cuppa java every morning in kenya. someone always had it ready for me, and i was so grateful... but back here in the real world, if i want coffee in the morning i have to make it myself.

sometimes i hate the real world and the burdens i have to carry...

making coffee poses a problem because of my aforementioned lake of focus in the wee hours of the morning.

seriously, i can barely put one foot in front of the other, let alone make coffee. i'm pretty much comatose until someone hooks the caffeine i.v. up to my arm and starts it flowing... well, figuratively speaking... ;o)

anyways... i made coffee for myself the last few days, and i have something to say...

my lack of early morning coordination makes it a genuine MIRACLE that i'm still alive.

thank God for starbucks baristas.

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