Thursday, February 19, 2009

pop a pill

when i was in africa, i developed a wee bit of an addiction.

yes, it's true... the good little homeschooler can still succumb to the vices of this world.

i know, i know... it's disappointing to me, too.

sigh... anyways...

daniel (another homeschooler who succumbed) would make coffee every morning, and i'd relish Cup # 1 of the kenyan caffeine feeding my brain the needed jolt of energy to wake up and face the world each day... i don't know how anyone would've survived my stay there if i didn't have it.

after nights of tossing and turning, trying to sleep with the mosquitos buzzing around my head, it was the only thing preventing me from giving in to my "i hate everyone" attitude every morning.

shoving obnoxious kenyan men in front of the nearest moving vehicles would've been a daily event, let me tell ya.

did i mention i'm not a morning person?

okay... just thought i'd reiterate that fact.

Cup # 2 would come in the afternoon when we'd returned from whatever we were doing that day, and daniel would make another pot of french press and present me with my second dose... enough to survive the first half of the night with the previously mentioned mosquitos.

i only turned down his coffee once during the whole month we were there, and i regretted that... so it's pretty much a "duh!" statement to say i would need to either go cold turkey off that caffeine, or keep truckin with the addiction when i got back to the states.

well, i decided to wean myself off of the caffeine. for my whole first week back, i didn't drink coffee. nope... none. i was so proud of myself.

then i realized something... i was doing fine... just fine.

that's not normal. i should've had splitting withdrawal headaches by now, with the amount of caffeine i was consuming everyday in kenya.

why wasn't i irrated at life and supporting a new over the counter tylenol addiction from the nonexistent headaches by now?

that's right, folks... one a day women's vitamins.

started 'em when i got back from kenya, trying to be all healthy. the warning on the back of the bottle says the following:

"This product contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee."

best way to get your morning caffeine in a rush?

pop a pill.

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