Friday, December 26, 2008

shopping is easy... packing is harder

shopping for a trip? oh i can do that... that's the easy part.

it's the shopping for everything i need, and the gathering of everything to pack, that's so easy.

the packing though? i keep thinking i'm going to forget something, and because of that my list of things to bring has gotten a bit longer than i thought it'd be.

i think i'll end up gathering everything i think i need and then packing and repacking a few (million) times just to make sure i've been as efficient as possible and haven't forgotten anything vital to my trip. it'll take alot of trial and error, but i'm betting the quantity of things i pack will go down a bit more each time i repack.

tomorrow i am shopping for a whole lot more things i need like the proper wardrobe and just little necessities that i have to stock up on... i will feel so much better when those items are purchased and i can start the aforementioned packing and repacking cycle.

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