Thursday, July 31, 2008

old house new house

so about two months ago i moved from living with the sisters to living with some good friends of mine. shauna, breann and joy. breann is moving out in a couple days, so we're downsizing from a charming (and huge) older home in northwest reno... a smaller home a mile or two away. we're getting a great deal on rent and the house is just so perfect for what we need... three bedrooms, a large living area and kitchen, a little backyard, and a covered patio with super cute patio furniture. we're so excited!!!

last night shauna and i and joy went over and dropped off our first loads of stuff. we (i) squealed when our keys opened the door, and we picked out our rooms, too. after dropping off our first load of boxes, we prayed over our new place. just the three of us in a lil "holy huddle" of sorts, giving God our new home and asking him to use it for his glory.

tonight the intense moving starts, and then tomorrow we clean our old house so the five college girls moving in, can do so. :) more to come...

Monday, July 28, 2008

mr. big mac makes a move

i went to run an errand today on my lunch break, and got done a bit early. i decided to grab a quick bite to eat at mcdonalds. little did i know this fast food visit would be blog-worthy.

upon walking in, a goodlooking hispanic man (i will call him Mr. Big Mac) raised his eyebrows and checked me out as i walked past his table. now, mind you a girl has her "i look good and i know it" days, and let me just say today was one of mine... cute white sandals, cute white summer skirt, and even cuter polka-dot layered top with adorable earrings and sunglasses.

i felt good, and i knew why he was lookin... nothing causes more head-turns than a woman confident in her beauty.

(yeah... that's right. ms. humility herself, right here... mmhmmm)

so Mr. Big Mac eyes me as i walk to the counter and i just smile to myself as i go about ordering my lunch.

i got my drink cup and walked around another customer over to the beverage station where i would be getting my cup of liquid sugar sodapop to eat with my carefully thrown together heart attack hamburger and quadruple bypass french fries. out of the corner of my eye i saw some movement.

Mr. Big Mac had decided to make a move.

he glanced my way and started briskly walking towards me, not even seeing the lady customer he was about to collide with. his chest hit her elbow, and his eyes jerked from me in surprise as her empty drink cup flew into the air and she let out a muffled gasp.

moment ruined. any would-be-smooth lines tarnished by the collision, he gave me an embarrassed smile, apologized to the woman he collided with, and walked out the door.

i was trying not to laugh out loud, both flattered by his attentiveness that ended up in a collision with another patron, and sorry for the blow to his pride. as i put the lid on my drink and turned around, i saw two college guys snickering in line as they averted their eyes from Mr. Big Mac walking out the door.

at that point i really DID let out a little laugh on the trek to my table...

poor Mr. Big Mac. better luck next time.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

forgive and forget? i think not

forgive and forget is the lamest relational advice i've ever heard.

when someone wounds you, it can sink into your being and hurt you so deeply you convince yourself it's better just to go crawl in a hole than face a world of people who could possibly wound you further.

we have all experienced it... perhaps that person spreading a rumor that degrades your character with lies, or a friend who shares a secret with one person and that secret snowballs beyond their control as it spreads from person to person. maybe it was a relationship you had with someone that ended in unrest, and restoration and closure are sorely needed but you don't know how to go about that dreaded conversation.

all of these are legitimate and very real wounds that we wittingly or unwittingly inflict upon each other. some wounds are accidental or unintentional, but just the same, they cannot be forgotten... and i don't believe God wants his children to "forgive and forget" as we have often been taught.

"forgiveness is accepting the consequences of someone else's sin."

forgiveness is biblical, healthy, and (most importantly) Christlike... but saying i forgive you, and then forcing yourself to forget that someone in your life is proned to hurt you or wound you in a certain way that could perhaps become a pattern in your friendship or relationship, is not biblical or healthy - and i daresay, it is impossible. the wounds others inflict on us usually hit us where it hurts... deeply. we need to be aware of, and cautious of, those people who have hurt us in the past, and could possibly hurt us in the future as well. while forgiving them of their past wounds, that doesn't mean we lower our shield (so to speak) when we see their arrow flying at us, only to willingly allow them to hurt us yet again.

even when that arrow flies towards us though, it isn't reason enough to give up. being in a relationship means you work through the rough parts... and in every relationship you will find fault and sin. be willing to trust, and willing to listen and forgive even when the going gets rough and boundaries have to be made.

say a loved one blabs private areas of your life to someone else... saying "i don't feel comfortable talking about this issue with you yet" with someone who abuses your inclusion of them into that part of your life, is a very healthy way to handle the situation. keep them included in areas of your life, and acknowledge that they are very important to you still even though they've hurt you, but let them into areas of your life that they can't abuse...or that aren't so personal and risky for you to share, knowing their past history of indiscretion.

as an adult i try so hard to have healthy relationships with open communication and mutual trust. when i am frustrated or offended, i usually pray about how to share my feelings, and then speak with the person who has offended me as quickly as possible - and usually within hours of the offense. there is this other thing i have learned is my forte though, and i have to remind myself to avoid at all costs. it is the manipulative teaser line: "you hurt my feelings. i can't really explain it right now though... i need some time to think about it."

what the CRAP is that all about? where did i learn to so expertly manipulate guilt in someone? i think of the times people have done that to me, and flinch just thinking of how sick to my stomach i've gotten thinking it might be days of relational limbo before someone chose to tell me of my offense so i could apologize and ask forgiveness. oh the manipulative things we can do to try and hold another person's sin over their head as long as possible... it hurts me inside to relive those times of immaturity and feigned forgiveness.

the most important thing i would say about conflict management in relationships is this:

when you feel someone has wounded you, tell them immediately. waiting until someone asks you what's wrong, or even until it's "the right time" is usually always our way of delaying the inevitable confrontationally risky conversation where we have to be vulnerable with someone. even when we think we're hiding our emotions like a pro, we aren't. people notice the change in us, and we are harming not only ourselves, but also the people we feel have wronged us. speak up... don't shut down. the longer we are silent, the more it takes to gain back that trust and close communication... and sometimes the damage can be irreparable.

"unforgiveness is a poison we drink, expecting someone else to die."

Friday, July 18, 2008

fount of mercy

cry on my shoulder
Originally uploaded by hopiface

the above picture took my breath away.

my friend rebecca recently returned from a two week mission trip to africa. she took a few of her church youth to serve with fount of mercy, a non-profit organization associated with golden gate baptist theological seminary.

in her time there, rebecca's heart for missions and the third world has been renewed. i'm sure she'll have a blog about africa up soon, so visit if you'd like to check it out.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

my sparks idol video

hello everybody...

a ton of you have been dying to see the video of the sparks idol contest i was in on july 4th, so here it is. i didn't win the competition, but man was it a blast. it was the first time i've ever sung to an audience other than family, friends, or church... and MAN was it ever fun. i was nervous until i got on stage, and then it was all good. i looked at the crowd of 500ish and thought "my church audience is bigger than this... piece of cake!"

i hope you enjoy it... and thanks to everyone who stopped by to watch me compete. it wouldn't have been nearly as special without you all there.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

the performance shirt

so i had a dilemma this week... what do i wear when performing on stage in the blistering heat, if i have not the desire (nor the body) to be half naked in a britney spears-esque sequined bathing suit top with short shorts and heels?

answer: head to the ross clearance racks!

this is the shirt i bought for my performance. it's romantic and girly and breezy... just what i was looking for!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

sparks idol competition

i auditioned, and i made it through the cuts.

i am performing in the Sparks Idol competition, here in Reno, NV on July 4th.

i'll be singing Bless the Broken Road, by rascal flatts and i'm so excited i can't contain myself. it's two days away, and i have to purchase the perfect outfit for it... i already highlighted my hair and according to... well, everyone... it's super gorgeous so that makes me happy.

honestly i don't know how everything will work that day, but i'll keep everyone posted. it'll be a long, hot day in the sun but i'm so thrilled that i get to be a part of it.

hopefully i'll have a video of my performance to post afterwards!