Tuesday, January 23, 2007

those crazy cru kids

ever had that group of people or that one person that could make you laugh, make you cry, and jump up and down screaming all at the same time? i have...lemme introduce you to them...

they are the young men and women of reno nevada's campus crusade for Christ. they meet in wrb 1003 at 7:30 each tuesday night of the semester, and you know what makes them so rad?! man do they love the Lord! no joke, people...they love him with everything theyve got...in whatever way they know how...and thats what makes them special. thats what makes my heart jump out of my chest each time is see them worship, or hug, or cry, or comfort one another. they are precious, and unique and so honest.

tonight was the first cru meeting of the semester, and alot of people were hesitant but so excited to come back to school and see everyone again. school sucks, but if you at least know you have a group of friends who are like family to you, and you have somewhere that you feel you belong...well, it makes it so much easier to readjust.

to hear the stories of peoples' breaks, and what they went through - all the joy, pain, tears, road trips, travels, chaos, family fights - it was tough all around. what made it all worth while was to look those same people in the eyes and see their sincerity when they looked around the room and said "i knew itd be another sucky semester with school and all, but i just had to come back...school sucks, but i know i have family here."

yall...this is the bond God has been building here at unr for many years. young men and women find comfort, friendship and family in reno's campus crusade group. it didnt start overnight though...it hasnt been easy by any means.

reno's cru group was the product of many nights spent on bended knee from so many wonderful guys and gals who knew God was up to something on the unr campus. for years the group grew and dwindled, grew and dwindled...but the prayers of the faithful were steady. for the last three years, many have come and gone, but cru has streadily grown. tonight at the first meeting of the semester, we had 70 people there yall!

my whole point for this blog was simply to give a shout out to the men and women who started this ministry on reno's campus and to let them know (should they ever read this) that the time and effort they put into this ministry has been cultivated and from the seeds they planted, a FIELD has grown. the harvest is coming in, and their prayers are being answered. in His timing, God has cultivated many men and women to desire to know him more intimately and more deeply than ever before...its a fire, and its growing.

if one person can change the world for Christ...what can 70 do?

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