Friday, January 12, 2007

sex and God's supremacy

so a friend bought me a book for Christmas that ive wanted to read for a real long time - Sex and the Supremacy of Christ.

let me just tell has rocked my world. those books you see about "every young womans battle" or "every young mans battle"? those have NOTHING on this book. john piper explains the biblical premise for why lust, sex, pornography, homosexuality and so many other "taboo" subjects in the church are misused by a misguided generation of christians who have such a craving for it, but dont understand the craving itself...dont understand the roots of the sin...where it comes from and what to do about it.

man its an awesome book, and you have to go buy it! its just so real, so honest and so blunt about the struggles we go through. dont get me wrong - the root of our struggles as young men and women in this generation are no different than our parents and grandparents for generations before us, but lust and impurity and temptation manifest themselves differently for each generation, u know? okay. enough of that...anyways - go buy the book...john piper can explain it way better than me. :o)

if you feel alone in your struggles...ashamed...saddened by hearing testimony after testimony of wonderful people who have been through great trial, but deep down you wonder if anyone else struggles with the same things as you - well then this book is for you. it shuts down any notion of shame or guilt within we who think (or have thought) we are alone, or our struggles are too taboo to confess or to be freed from. it is a book that inspires freedom, new testament church principles, and confession. those are three things we need right now as christians.

i have had some amazing conversations with random people in my life that i never would've thought of talking to about this, and each time Christ speaks truth into my life about the beauty of this thing called "humanity" that we try to wrap our minds around. why is it that we "never think" of talking to those in the body of Christ about these things? we have to...we must! the truth of what we have been set free from must be spoken, in order for freedom to be experienced by our generation. are not alone!

for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. ~ hebrews 4:15

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