Friday, May 15, 2009

death by automatic faucet

we're into our spring events season at my work, and that means lifting tables, hauling chairs and setting up rooms before our events start. my coworkers and i bring a change of clothes so we can get out of our jeans and tshirts and into presentable outfits before our events.

yesterday i grabbed my change of clothes and headed off to the restroom to change. i got all gussied up and realized my tshirt and jeans earrings didnt match my (gorgeous) dress. not to fear, i'd thought of that already and dug around in my purse for my matching earring and necklace set.

i took the necklace out, and the earrings went flying because they had gotten tangled up in it whilst in the bottom of my purse. one i caught in midair (what skill!), and the other went swirling around in the bottom of a sink. i fastened the necklace and one earring, and reached my hand in the sink to retrieve my remaining earring.

as per the function of automatic sinks, my hand set the motion censors off (which i hadnt considered), and the water jetted on at full blast upon my hand that had just grasped the other earring. i was so shocked at the surprise attack of ice water on my hand that i jerked my hand back and my earring went soaring through the air and hit the floor, bouncing across the bathroom.

in a matter of seconds, my heart was racing like a freight train from the shock of the unexpected attack on my hand, but nonetheless i raced across the bathroom trying to catch my earring which was still rolling across the tile.

earring in hand a short 20 seconds later, and aerobics workout completed with the reaching and stretching under sinks and stalls, i sternly put it in my ear and then leaned on the sink vanity to catch my breath and thought, "why work out? in my life, i get my cardiovascular system pumping just by putting jewelry on!"

only me... only me...

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Thanks! I needed that! Nothing like a hearty chuckle to soothe the soul! I'm also glad you got the earring!