Monday, November 27, 2006

my sisters and their war

i get home tonight from bible study, and faith FREAKED out and decided she needed to at least START decorating our house. sooo, she and joy decide they are going to start, and faith comes squealing up the basement stairs with a nativity scene and a box of christmas decorations.

as shes putting up these decorations, she lays out her nativity...lo and behold, its a CHINESE nativity scene. now..nothing on the chinese people at all...i think theyre beautiful, lovely people...but MAN! whoever carved this scene did a HORRID job.

faith loved her nativity though, so i didnt say anything. i just let her put it up, and mentally planned how i could remove it and hide it until she realized it was gone. im kinda passive agressive like

joy? well...shes not so kind. she took one look at it, and said "they're scary! baby Jesus is ugly...(and snarling) and thats just not okay!" so you know what she did? as faith sat on the floor wanting to pounce on her for such unkind words, joy ran and got the only thing she could think of...her PRECIOUS MOMENTS nativity set.

so now i must with much dismay tell you that without a sign of christmas anywhere but two seperate corners of my living is now "war of the nativities". if you come by my home, please refrain from encouraging either sister in their nativity pursuits, as i will be just as happy having a plain ol christmas tree in my living know - now that all out end tables are taken up with recreations of the BIRTH OF CHRIST. im fine...really, i am...

such is my life at home...a very intriguing mix right now of an alien looking nativy vs. a very american wanna-be-holy one...its really gonna make me barf soon.

someone save me.

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