Friday, September 28, 2007

i've come to realize

i've come to realize that when i talk i am almost always verbally processing my thoughts. when I do, i feel like i'm including others in the workings of my mind – and thus including them in my life by being vulnerable with them.

i've come to realize that i love my life just as it is, and when i do that i am satisfied instead of always wanting more.

i've come to realize that i have so many relational issues i am tempted to become a hermit in the mountains.

i've come to realize that i lost respect for christianity in general this year. i now tend to respect people rather than the organization of a church itself. a church is founded on the morals and the principals of its people...therefore if i do not respect the people, i can not respect their version of christianity.

i've come to realize that i have a crush on clark kent.

i've come to realize that i hate it when people decide not to invest in friendships just because of geographic distance. if you invest, do it 100%...dont do it half heartedly, because people notice...and then they feel insignificant.

i've come to realize that marriage is not a bandaid for pain, and children are not a bandaid for marriage.

i've come to realize that somewhere someone is thinking "i wonder if anyone understands what i'm going through"...and no one is answering that person.

i've come to realize that i'll always be emotionally charged and rationally challenged.

i've come to realize that i get on myspace because i want to know how the people i love are doing...if i didnt have that option, i'd have a hecka large phone bill.

i've come to realize that today i will be working until matter how much i daydream about going home early.

i've come to realize that tonight i will watch a movie and hug my sisters...and i love them more than anything.

i've come to realize that tomorrow i will want to take a road trip, but i wont be able to because my car would explode at the top of the mountain.

i've come to realize that i really want to experience selflessness in my relationship with "the one" ...because i dont know what that will look like in my life someday with him.

i've come to realize that at times i enable others in their sin when my motive is simply to comfort and encourage growth. that tears me up inside.

i've come to realize that the last time i truly cried was when i had to "let go" of a relationship that is precious to me.

i've come to realize that my cell phone is old, but i dont need a new one just because i think there are cooler ones out there.

i've come to realize that when i wake up in the morning i am not in the mood to invest or talk or relate to anyone...and thats okay. i dont have to force myself to chat at 7am like ive thought was always nice and polite.

i've come to realize that before i go to sleep at night i should pray for my future husband.

i've come to realize that right now i am thinking about how differently i wouldve answered these questions a few months ago.